- Will you open your mouth?Your throat is swollen. 请把你的口张开好吗?你的喉咙肿了.
- If you open your mouth again about it I will put a head on you. 你要是再提那件事我就揍你一顿。
- The back of your hand feels warm when you open your mouth and blow slowly. 如果你张开嘴并慢慢对手背呼气,那么你的手背就会觉得暖和。
- I thought of it just as you opened your mouth. 你刚开口,我就想起了这事。
- A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes? 一道闪光既可以照明也可以致盲,但是你不睁开眼睛看的话怎么能知道是那种结果呢?
- Before you open your mouth to speak, think twice and chew your words carefully. The point is not to hold your peace, but to speak with discretion and prudence. 话到口边想一想,讲话之前慢半拍。不是不说,而是要惜言慎语。
- They flew to a red and yellow tulip, and said, "Friend Tulip, will you open your flowers and let us in till the storm is over? 他们飞到一株红黄相间的郁金香前说道:“郁金香朋友,你能张开你的花朵让我们躲避一下暴风雨吗?
- "Now open your mouth, and Burnaby and I will try and feed you. 索顿先生一边说,一边热情地把哈里拉到桌布旁。
- Open your mouth wide,will you. 张开嘴好吗。
- Sahara: Will you zip your mouth? I did last time. 能不能把你嘴巴的拉链拉上?上次就是我做的。
- Open your mouth wider when you produce the sound. 发这个音时,把你的嘴张大一些。
- Open your mouth wide when you pronounce this sound. 发这个音时,嘴要张大。
- Doctor: Open your mouth, Jimmy. Show me your tongue. Say, "Ah". 医生:吉米,把嘴张开。让我看看你的舌头。说“啊”。
- Can you open your mouth now? 你可以张开嘴巴吗?
- Will you open out the map, please? 请把地图打开,好吗?
- You never open your mouth but you put your foot in it. 你一开口就说错话。
- Will you open the suitcase , please ? 请打开手提箱。
- And yet you dare open your mouth, and look these men in the faces. 你还敢张口说话,敢正视这些人!
- Will you wind opening your case? 请把您的箱子打开好吗?
- Count up to three before you open your eyes. 数到3,再睁开眼睛。